Our schedule for 2021 / 2022…

https://www.theparalab.com/Beginner EP courses

4 – 8 September UK

16 – 22 September Dune du Pyla



16 – 22 August UK

All paramotor courses in October will be run at The Para Lab in Southern Spain

2 – 9 October

9 – 916 October

16 – 23 October

23 – 30 October

The cost of the paramotoring Club Pilot (CP) course is £1600 and includes all accommodation (private room), breakfast and an outstanding dinner, airport transfers, all equipment as well as fuel

Note: any damage to equipment must be paid for by the student 

Paragliding EP + CP in Morocco

6 – 13 November

13 – 20 November

20 – 27 November

The cost of the paragliding Club Pilot (CP) course is £1400 and includes all equipment, accommodation and half board

Ready to fly? Get in touch with us today.