If you want to experience powered flight, paramotoring is the most convenient, easiest and most exciting option. On a warm summer evening you can take your equipment from the boot of your car and lay it out on a flat field. After just a few moments of preparation you will be ready to take off and to effortlessly climb hundreds or even thousands of feet into the sky. Your flight could take you for many miles over the countryside. Unlike a conventional aircraft, once you switch the engine off you revert to being a glider and retain complete control.
In order to paramotor safely you will need to first learn basic paragliding skills. This will include the full BHPA Elementary Pilot course as well as a shortened Club Pilot course (you won’t learn the soaring skills). Your paramotor training will cover two sections; ground school, which covers equipment, weather and theory, then the practical section covering pre-motorized flights, motor unit ground work, and finally powered flight. For a complete beginner the full training usually takes about eight or ten days although you will probably make your first motorised flight on your 4th day. An experienced Club Pilot can do a conversion course in five days. This will give you a BHPA restricted qualification and allow you to fly in the vicinity of your take off point. For the full qualification you’ll need to come back for another five days training which will teach you how to fly cross country.
Having been involved in paramotoring for many years, and having seen the problems associated with poor quality equipment, we only train on Parajet V3, Zenith, or Maverick paramotors. We often have access to exclusive offers from Parajet and can help you with your choice of paramotor.
We run nearly all our courses in conjunction with The Para Lab because they have an outstanding set-up and use only the very latest equipment.
In terms of wing, we are exclusively teaching on Sky Felxors or Zorros. These are reflex wings but with a number of significant safety improvements. Again, we often have access to exclusive offers.
For cost please see The Para Lab or contact us directly
(This includes use of equipment but it will be at your risk – if you damage it you will have to pay for it to be repaired)

Ready to fly? Get in touch with us today.
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We are proud to be recognised by the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association.